The Top 3 Window Problems - SOLVED!
problem: too much light
Sunlight flooding a room can be delightful but not on Saturday morning when your trying to catch up on your sleep or later that afternoon when you're trying to watch a movie
solution: blackout shades
Simple spring tension roller shades made from an opaque material can turn day into night but for a more refined look nothing beats Hunter Douglas Duette Architella shades for leaving you in the dark and with Power Rise with Platinum Technology and the battery operated remote you won't ever have to leave your bed or sofa again.

problem: no privacy
You're looking for some quality tub time without having to bathe in the dark. How can you let the sunlight flow without attracting peeping toms?
solution: shutters with tilting slats
Adjustable shutters allow you to customize the view (yours and the one offered to passersby). Hunter Douglas Palm Beach Polysatin shutters are 100% PVC so you never have to worry about water or moisture from the bath and with the midrail option you can have complete privacy on the bottom with sun and view from the top.
problem: a room with a bad (or good) view
The window that sheds light on your favorite reading nook just happens to overlook your neighbor's trash cans or you paid $$$ for that view of the beach but not the roof of the clubhouse.
solution: top down bottom up shades

These Hunter Douglas Vignette shades may look as if they were installed upside down, but that's no mistake. It uses two sets of lift cords, allowing you to choose which way (and by how much) the shades open and close: from the bottom up or from the top down.